Today, I thought I'd write a feel good story. Not in the way you imagine. By describing how miserable I feel right now, you might want to reconsider your assessment of your own health. And if it happens to be worse than mine, well, then, maybe I'll feel a little better.
Leaving aside some of my more personal and chronic conditions (even though some of them and these are, indeed, chronic), the last couple of days I've been struggling with hemorrhoids, excessive gas, bloating, stomach cramps, constipation (followed by diarrhea), sore throat, cough, constant headache, and lower back pain that won't ease sitting, standing or laying down.
wish these were all I had to deal with. Now, before you start (if you aren't already well into) thinking what a whiner I am, let me just point out that aside from the account I gave of the heart attack I had last year, I haven't bitched about my condition(s) in this blog. And I'm not really sure why I'm doing it now. Certainly not to garner sympathy--I don't have enough readership to make a lick of difference.
I know that sometimes when I'm not feeling great, hearing of someone else's challenges makes me feel lucky for not having theirs. So, maybe today, if you're not feeling well, perhaps you can feel grateful for being you. And if you happen to feel good today, sorry for possibly bringing you down. In retribution, I promise my next posting will be a humorous and or positive one.
Have a good one!...or at least a better one than I'm having.
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