This blog is a hodge podge of anything I happen to feel like writing or sharing. Enzo is short for Vincenzo, my birth name. Feel free to comment if you're so inclined. Or even if you're not leaning.
Thursday, 2 May 2013
Jodi Arias murder trial
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Tuesday, 5 October 2010
US continues its drone attacks
New York, October 05, 2010
Despite public protests in Pakistan over relentless US drone strikes within that country in the last 45 days, the US isn’t relenting in its drone attacks in Pakistan, with three already in October including one on Monday that reportedly killed eight German nationals in North Waziristan. They are unlikely to forgo the CIA-led strategy as it has proven effective in killing terrorists. The numbers are startling – 78 strikes so far in 2010 as against 53 in all of 2009.
Can't Americans see that despite killing terrorists, would-be terrorists, suspected terrorists, terrorist sympathizers, and innocent men, women and children in the vicinity of possible terrorists in increasing numbers has done nothing but increase the number of terrorists? Are they so blind that they cannot see that they are quickly running out of goodwill capital with the nations of the world? Overseas adventures was a bad idea when America was the defacto superpower, but in her current weakened condition, coupled with the rise of China and others on her heels, she is tempting fate. I shudder to think what a war between or among developed countries would be like. Iraq and Afghanistan are a picnic in comparison. Terrorists aren't born--they're made.
Note: There was a time when certain events (such as drone attacks) could go on without notice and third-hand reports reaching the media could always be dismissed as lies or propaganda. Today, a Pakistani resting in the shade of a tree waiting for a bus, might capture video of a U.S. military action in the area on his cell phone and have it on YouTube and or Facebook and be seen by a million people around the world less than an hour after it occurred. It's becoming increasingly difficult to BS the people as more and more of our "news" is reported live and by ordinary people without an agenda colouring/spinning it.
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Thursday, 16 July 2009
Town besieged by cougars
The hunters became the hunted in a southern British Columbia town menaced in recent days by three cougars — two which had their baleful gazes fixed on children.
Last Friday, only the quick-thinking actions of a Princeton resident prevented two kids swimming in a river from a likely deadly attack.
The man, who lives near the river, saw the 16-month-old male feline stalking the children and shot it dead, with follow-up investigation by Mounties concluding the firearm discharge was warranted — not to mention life-saving, said Cpl. Dan Moskaluk.
“There’s certainly little question that he may have saved that kid’s life, one of them at least, because it probably would’ve scooped up one of them and taken off,” he said.
“When you see a cat in that mindset of watching prey, regardless of whether it’s a house cat or a cougar ... it must have been very unnerving for the guy looking out at the riverbank.”
The close call came less than two weeks after conservation officers killed a cougar prowling amongst campers in the town 790 km southwest of Calgary.
And if those two incidents weren’t enough to put Princeton residents on a claw’s edge of tension, yet more feline fear erupted the next day.
A decidedly bold big cat was spotted prowling at a town park, with a swimming pool full of children and six baseball teams, on Saturday afternoon.
A panicked resident ran to the nearby RCMP detachment, with officers quickly holstering up to deal with the hungry predator.
“The guy was pounding on the detachment door, all he could get out was ‘Cougar! Cougar! Cougar!’” said Moskaluk.
“As they were walking up to the park area, this thing was crouched down and it was watching them as they approached.”
The animal, a 16-month-old female, was also put down.
Making matters more unsettling is the fact the fearsome predators are not generally apt to wander into town, said Princeton Mayor Randy McLean.
“To hear about one around town is amazing, to hear about three is surreal ... it’s just so hard to fathom,” he said.
“I’ve lived here all my life, I hunt, I fish, I Ski-doo, I quad ... and I’ve seen one cougar in my life and that was on the highway at two in the morning.”
Police are warning residents to be alert and on the look-out for these dangerous predators pictured below.
Friday, 22 May 2009
Dead man walking!
Thursday, 30 April 2009
The Horror Part II
Before you have time to get over "Angiogram Day", it's "Angioplasty Day". I've never been in an ambulance, but I imagine the ride is much smoother than the transport vehicle used to shuttle me to and from the hospital specializing in performing angioplasty procedures. It didn't bother me very much on the way there, but coming back was a pain in the...back. I'll explain in a bit.
An angioplasty is a procedure to repair damage that shows up on an angiogram. It is done in two possible ways:
a) A balloon is inflated (and subsequently deflated) at a site where an artery is restricted in order to allow better blood flow.
b) A stent (tube/sleeve) is positioned at a restricted site to prevent it from future blockage.
I had one of each. You may be awake (as I was) during the procedure and the pain in the chest is very similar to a heart attack. I felt it for about the next 24 hours.
As soon as they finished, a nurse came by and said "Oops" and proceeded to describe the egg-sized balloon in my groin that had formed because of some problem with removal of the catheter. She managed to resolve this not uncommon occurrence by pressing on it with all her weight for about the next twenty minutes. Do I need to mention that it wasn't pleasant? Ouch.
Now, began the four hours of lying perfectly still on your back. As they rolled me out to the transport vehicle, my back was already starting to hurt. The bumpy ride back to the original hospital through rush hour traffic wasn't pleasant or scenic as all I could see in my position were light standards. As we neared (I asked) our destination, I was silently praying that the pain in my back that was now slowly gathering at my kidney just like the day before, did not reach Level 10 before they got me to my room.
I was in bed with only minutes to spare before I had to ask for a shot of morphine for the pain. Two more days of misery were endured before I was discharged.
You do not want to go through such an experience. It doesn't help, either that I now must take five different medications daily at a cost of about $450 per month for the rest of my life.
While going between hospitals, I spoke to the attendants about the falling average age of heart attack victims. They confirmed that large numbers of people in their thirties and even some in their twenties are falling victim to coronary disease and heart attacks. Obesity is one contributing factor. Today's sedentary lifestyles that keep people glued to TV and or a PC instead of getting out and exercising is another.
Heed my advice. You don't need to make a wholesale change today. Take small steps. Reduce your fat intake. Take more frequent walks. Eat more fruit and veggies. If you think it'll put a crimp in your lifestyle, you might want to consider that a heart attack will put a much bigger crimp in it...if you're lucky.
Monday, 27 April 2009
The horror...the horror
A lot of people totally disregard the information about healthy living generally and heart health specifically. I was one of them--even if I was doing well in recent years. As boring as this subject may be, I beseech you to read on. I won't tell you how painful a heart attack is. There's nothing new there. What I want to explain is that the aftermath, at least in my case, was far, far worse than the symptoms that took me to the emergency room in the first place.
You may be tough enough to withstand a mild or medium heart attack standing on your head. In fact, I endured mine for a second day before heading to the hospital, as I wasn't sure the pain was heart related at first. But everything that comes after arriving at the hospital is enough to make a grown man cry.
So, I'm having chest pains that keep coming in waves, going from discomfort to fairly substantial pain. Soon after arriving at the hospital, they take my vitals (BP and ECG), and my BP was very high (186 over 120) but I guess the ECG did not show conclusive evidence of a coronary problem. That would explain why they made me wait three full hours before I saw a doctor. Another round of vitals and a blood test shows that my BP was now a ridiculous 205 over 141. If you're unfamiliar with the scale, normal readings are about 120 over 80.
I won't go into the ugly details of the hellish week that followed, but I do want to give you a small taste:
Every 8 hours they poked me to take blood, anywhere from 2 to 6 vials each time. Sometimes, it took as many as 3 tries to get a good insertion. 3 or 4 times they moved the IV lead to a different vein. For the first 2-3 days, I was on an IV drip. They maintained an IV lead until minutes before I was discharged "just in case".
I was on a heart monitor the entire time. For a couple of days, I had to pee into a urinal on my bed. The rest of the time I had to get disconnected before I could drag my tired ass to the bathroom.
Sleeping was almost impossible.
Constipation was yet another discomfort.
Honestly, on about the second day, I was ready to die and came close to signing myself out. Of course, a doctor heard of my request and came by to tell me that he has the power to hold me if he had reason to believe I would do harm to myself. I guess leaving the hospital without treatment for a heart attack is tantamount to doing yourself harm.
The food wasn't of great quality to begin with, but when my appetite returned, the coronary care unit menu was enough to starve you. Breakfast alternated between a single piece of whole wheat toast and a muffin.
Now, we're getting to the fun part. I was shaved in the groin area by a nurse. If that's not your idea of fun, maybe having a catheter stuck into an artery in your groin and pushed all the way up to your heart and spraying basically a poison dye so that they can take x-rays of your major heart arteries is. They give you some vile-tasting stuff that I feel is the worst tasting crud I have ever had the displeasure to swallow, that is supposed to protect your kidneys from the dye. The best part is yet to come.
You need to lay flat on your back without making the slightest movement, especially to the leg they used for the angiogram, for a full four hours. That would be difficult enough under the best conditions, but the pain in my lower back slowly increased and then went to my kidney. I asked the nurse for some pain reliever which she brought and I took, but the pain increased faster than the pills could take effect and about 2-3 minutes later, I literally whimpered that I couldn't stand the pain. She came and administered morphine into my IV drip. While there was a slight improvement almost immediately, the full pain did not subside until about 15 minutes later at which time, gratefully, precious sleep came.
I didn't mean for this post to be so long. I'll give a few more highlights probably tomorrow and then explain the reason for posting all this.
Friday, 24 April 2009
How much?
2 emergency room visits
30 blood pressure tests
20 blood extractions
60 blood tests
20 electro-cardio grams
2 angioplasty procedures--one stent implant
1 nasal packing procedure, subsequent removal
24/7 nursing care for 1 week
7 days and nights in hospital
1 nasal swab analysis
1 rectal swab analysis
10 consultations with various doctors, including cardiologists
30 pills of various sorts (one of which is $10 a pop)
transportation back and forth between two hospitals
3 visits with a psychiatrist
follow-up visit with family doctor
follow-up visit with cardiologist
I probably missed something, but the above is enough to make my point.
It depends on where you live.
For the 75 million Americans who have little or no health insurance, the above costs associated with an "average" heart attack might run over $100,000. I have to estimate the cost because as a card-holding communist of Canada, the hospital did not present me with an invoice. My comrades paid a few cents apiece to cover the entire cost just as I have been doing through my taxes for anyone else who has been unfortunate enough to have experienced a heart attack. The thing is, I never missed whatever part of my taxes went to paying for other people's medical costs. I wouldn't want anyone to be saddled with costs like this. It's enough to give you a heart attack.
To my American friends: I hope you all have insurance and I wish you all good health.
By the way, my son (living in Dallas) told me this evening that Obama has levied a huge tax on tobacco. It was enough for my son to vow to quit smoking as soon as his current supply runs out. Yes, we can!
Thursday, 23 April 2009
I hope you understand and forgive my extended absence considering that it was a heart attack that kept me away. I arrived hjome just 30 minutes ago after driving myself to the hospital a week ago. I have a lot to catch up on in the coming days--getting meds, paying bills, seeing docs, etc., so I'm not sure how much time I'll have for writing here. But the blog will go on...whether you like it or not.
Good health to you all.