Wednesday, 21 January 2009

On his last legs

AMSTERDAM, N.Y. – After he finished his lobster dinner, an upstate New York man apparently was still hungry for seafood so he swapped the lobster shell for crab legs — and now he faces a petit larceny charge.

Montgomery County Sheriff's deputies said a 57-year-old man brought back a reassembled lobster shell to his local Price Chopper store and claimed the crustacean was spoiled.

The store manager was about to let him trade the lobster for a $27 bag of king crab legs when he discovered the lobster was just a shell. Deputies said the man ran from the store clutching the crab legs when he was confronted.

Deputies said the man had already devoured the crab legs when they caught up with him at home. He was given an appearance ticket to answer the larceny charge in court.


The story reminded me of the turkey scene in Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation, which always makes me grin.

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Black shmack

Is it just me or wouldn't the election of a black leader anywhere else in the world go by without any fanfare whatsoever? What does this say about the United States?

Let me be clear. I am happy for the American people, Black people everywhere, and even the entire rest of the world. It's just that to me, the circus around the event underscores the kind of deep-seated problems of hate and racism that have been a part of the United States since it was founded. Let's hope that Obama's inauguration signals the beginning of the end to the ongoing systemic problems that discriminate against Blacks, Hispanics and others in America.

Pope to get YouTube channel

It appears that the Pope is getting his own channel on YouTube. According to The Vatican's press office, video of the pope's speeches as well as news about the pontiff will be posted. I can't wait to see all the Pope bloopers and Pope practical jokes videos. I hear he's a riot at house parties.

Pope Benedict does his oft-requested impression of Mr. Bean:

Monday, 19 January 2009

Danger! Danger!

The actor who played one of the most memorable TV characters from my youth has passed away. Bob May died of congestive heart failure in California on Sunday. Bob is best known for the man inside the robot from the hit 1960's television series "Lost in Space".

The robot was so difficult to get into and out of that Bob would stay put during breaks in the shooting. Passersby would sometimes see smoke wafting out of the robot.

"Danger, Will Robinson" was an oft-heard phrase on the show, usually repeated while flailing his robot arms about, although the voice was provided by someone else. Will Robinson was the young son of the Robinsons who were modelled after the family in the novel "Swiss Family Robinson".

Bob May was 69.

During show's run:

1995: Bob is on the left.

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Q & A's from around the web

Is there a software that can adjust the brightness of my monitor?

You behoves retrevial drivers for department's plant (graphics card, monitor).You can take it in corporation provided, produce's, upper or

Editor's note: I thought I had a reasonable grasp of computers, but maybe not. I can't understand a word of the above answer. Can you?