Sunday 31 August 2008

You meet the most interesting characters...

...on Yahoo Pool. The following is not the middle of a "conversation". It is posted in its entirety. (Lines that start with "***" are made by Yahoo. The first one was right after I won the game.)

johnbradleywallace: weak
vinnythehack: What do you mean?
johnbradleywallace: i run your shit bitch
vinnythehack: You should get more roughage in your diet.
johnbradleywallace: you should actually play
johnbradleywallace: instead of cheat
johnbradleywallace: fuckin mark
vinnythehack: You have me confused with someone else. I'm Vinny.
*** vinnythehack's old rating: 1593, new rating: 1602
*** johnbradleywallace's old rating: 1419, new rating: 1410
*** vinnythehack has booted johnbradleywallace from the table.

1 comment:

  1. They tried a similar tactic some time ago on me in Yahooligan Chesslike Game. The little snot nosed thing cried that his sister said I should let it be a draw, but when the guy confuses his sister for his mother, and in his 20's or maybe older, well, only some prick would want to draw such a thing as that, although I had that as two nuns were talking on a bench and discussing the zucchini they'd just picked. One sister showed it was in a horizontal sense a great long thing, and an old hard of hearing nun, perhaps Sister Mary Tooth, we had one of those nearby, sat down saying, 'Father Who?' Only Calvinist Geneva could fail to like that one. And you know she didn't put out.

    - Not a competing religion so it's just a joke.

