Showing posts with label cannabis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cannabis. Show all posts

Thursday 27 September 2012

Is marijuana a potential cure for cancer?

An extraordinary discovery may someday give the controversial notion of “medical marijuana” a potent new meaning. Turns out that the recreationally popular cannabis plant contains compounds that could stop and even reverse the growth of various aggressive forms of cancer.

After a series of lab tests using a non-psychoactive chemical extract called Cannabidiol to treat malignant human breast cells in mice, the researchers hope to develop a pill that can demonstrate efficacy in human clinical trials. "It took us about 20 years of research to figure this out, but we are very excited,” Desprez, told the Huffington Post.

20 years!? What the heck!? I can see them now, "hard at work"...

In case you’re wondering, it won’t leave the door open for those who want to inhale it.
“We used injections in the animal testing and are also testing pills,” Desprez said. “But you could never get enough Cannabidiol for it to be effective just from smoking.”

That's what you think...

Link to full story.

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Wednesday 25 August 2010

Cannabis electric car to be made in Canada

An electric car made of hemp is being developed by a group of Canadian companies in collaboration with an Alberta Crown corporation.

The compact car, which will hold a driver and up to three passengers, will have a top speed of 90 kilometres per hour and a range of 40 to 160 kilometres before needing to be recharged, depending on the type of battery.

The car's body will be made of an impact-resistant composite material produced from mats of hemp, a plant from the cannabis family.

Automotive pioneer Henry Ford first built a car made of hemp fibre and resin more than half a century ago. It's not an original idea, but one that wasn't developed much further as car manufacturers favoured other materials, such as steel, in subsequent decades.

Here's a promotional video.

Full Story.

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Friday 7 November 2008

Ripped from the headlines

BBC News - Extracts from cannabis could help reduce brain damage in stroke victims, according to new research.

American scientists say they have found that several of the chemicals in cannabis or marijuana help to prevent damage to brain tissue.

The report is likely to lead to increased pressure to make marijuana and its derivatives more widely available for use on prescription.

Seen below is the leader of the research team: