Showing posts with label documentary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label documentary. Show all posts

Thursday 3 June 2010


I just finished watching the movie and I wept.

I wept for Americans without health insurance. I wept for Americans with insurance but who have had claims rejected. I wept for Americans who understand the need for universal health care but can't convince their fellow Americans of it. I wept for Cubans who despite great challenges understand the value of pulling together as human beings to help one another, particularly when one of us is ill. But mostly I wept for Americans who "don't get it".

If you watch this movie and are unaffected...I'd rather not finish this sentence.

A thought came to mind shortly into the film...

Michael Moore is the Noam Chomsky of the lunch pail crowd.

By the way, the part about sending the cheque to his rival with the website dedicated to bashing Moore--what could be more poignant?

If you haven't seen it, I urge you to.

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Sunday 9 August 2009

The Corporation

It's been a while since I posted and a lot longer still since the documentary "The Corporation" aired. I watched it for a second time this evening and think it is well worth watching for anyone at all interested in understanding what constitutes and permeates a large part of today's world. It may have a profound effect on your worldview and even if not, you will certainly learn something and gain an appreciation of a topic not often discussed at length. It is also sprinkled with light-hearted spots to keep your interest.

It has won several awards and was hailed by most critics as a very well done piece whether one agrees or not with it's somewhat partisan view. You can download it here. Please post your comments.

Note: If, after downloading, you have difficulties viewing it, you may want to try downloading codecs from here.