Showing posts with label screen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label screen. Show all posts

Tuesday, 23 October 2012


If you didn't have enough proof that corporations fit every description of  "psychopath", here's the latest:

Energizer Holdingsthe consumer goods conglomerate that produces Banana Boat products, announced Friday that certain of the brand's sunscreen sprays may potentially burst into flames on users' skin if they come in contact with a flame or spark before the spray is completely dry.
Energizer said it has received reports of four "adverse events" in which the sprays have caused burns in the U.S., and one in Canada."Adverse events"??? How else would you categorize someone responsible for causing a human being to suddenly and without warning burst into flames and calling it an "adverse event", if not a psychopath?

"Mr. Browne, this is County Hospital calling. I'm afraid I have some bad news. Your 16 year old daughter was sunbathing and she had a um, 'adverse event'."

"Dang--that girl seems to be allergic to just about everything. How bad is it?"

"Well, let's just say that if she wanted to be cremated, she saved you a little cash."

Full Story.

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