Showing posts with label shear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shear. Show all posts

Friday 2 April 2010

What is the world coming to?

I happened to catch the following promo for a show on a specialty channel called Slice. I guess it's the channel formerly known as The Life Network (slice of life?) Anyway, the show is called Shear Genius and is about hair stylists competing for who knows what--perhaps a shot at fame an fortune like most of the other "reality" shows.

I'm no prude--I've been around the block more times than most people, but something in the commercial took me by surprise--so much so, that I wasn't sure I heard it right. I jumped up and went to YouTube to see if I could find it.

As it turns out, my hearing seems to be fine, but I take little pleasure in learning this. I find the spot in the ad disgusting and in my opinion, not appropriate for general consumption. Civility is dead, it would seem. I would have liked to have attended the funeral--I was a big fan of it for a very long time. Listen to the commercial and tell me what you think about the bit at about 24 seconds in.

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