Showing posts with label watermelon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label watermelon. Show all posts

Thursday 26 June 2008

The Sound of Promise

Yesterday, I bought a watermelon. I never really appreciated this wonderful fruit. But in the first few moments that I was cutting this melon in half, the exquisiteness of it struck me. It came in the form of sound. That cracking sound you hear when the melon is so perfectly ripe that it seems like it's been deprived of air to breathe since it was a seed and now, finally makes a lovely gasp as it takes in the life-sustaining oxygen it has been waiting for. That sweet sound of promise. The promise of perfect "reddish" flesh--not exactly red and not really pink, either. It is some magical colour that nature seems to have reserved only for this delectable fruit. The colour, like the sound, holds the promise of sweet nectar suitable for even God. It is truly a magnificent food. Not a bad deal for $1.99 at Food Basics.