Friday, 26 September 2008

Rogers update #2

This afternoon Rogers responded to my complaint about their deceitful ad. Rather than research it through their marketing department, their representative asked me to gather documentation so that he can investigate it further. I went through the time and effort to get screen shots of the ad and the website the ad directs one to, and sent them along to him. Tick, tock, tick, tock...

Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?

Another Ivy leaguer, this one from Cornell, was on the show. The previous three all flunked out.

The $50,000 question was: Which Great Lake does Pennsylvania border? The contestant said "I didn't even know Pennsylvania bordered a Great Lake". The first thing that entered my own mind was "Hmm, there must be a good reason they named it Erie, Pennsylvania."

He took a wild guess since it was "free"--that is, if he answered incorrectly, he wouldn't lose any money. He guessed "Erie". None of the classmates said "Erie".

I don't have a degree from anywhere, let alone an Ivy League school, and I'm not even an American but the answer came to me in a flash.

He knew enough to quit when he heard a question he did not know the answer to and "dropped out".


The next contestant clearly wasn't as smart. When faced with the $5,000 question "If you were in Mexico City and walked due west, which is the first ocean you'd run into?" He had no idea, and therefore chose to "peek" at his classmate's answer. It correctly was "Pacific" and he agreed.

How could anyone not know that walking west from any point in North America would have you arrive at the Pacific Ocean? This character actually said "I've never been to Mexico City and that's what's giving me pause". I guess this man in his 40's still hasn't grasped that whole "directions" concept.

Needless to say, he wasn't smarter than a fifth grader.

Rogers update #1

When I e-mailed Rogers about their devious ad, I got an automatic notification e-mail indicating that someone would respond to my query with 24 hours. Here it is 48 hours later and I'm still waiting. I guess it shouldn't surprise that one who is devious is also a liar. The clock is ticking, Rogers...

Interesting note that while they have failed to respond to their loyal customer's enquiry (me), in the last 24 hours alone, I received two items from them seeking more of my business. Yesterday, I got some snail mail, and today, I got an e-mail. These were both targeted, bearing my name and or indicating the recipient is a a "valued Rogers customer". Apparently, they do not have access to a dictionary if this is their idea of "valued".

Q & A's from around the web

Which schools for studying architechture?
I'm about to apply, but I'm still not sure which are the best choices of schools because I haven't been living in the States for a long time...

Art Vandalay School of Architecture

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Shame on you, Rogers

For anyone who doesn't know, Roger Communications, Inc. is a media and telecommunications giant. You want to know how big? It has a market cap of $21 billion. That's with a capital "B", folks. Recently, I joined a free poker site that uses "FreeD" as currency that you can exchange for real money. How do they make money, you ask? By displaying ads incessantly. And they entice you to click on theads by giving you a FreeD for each one. What has all this to do with

Lo and behold if it wasn't an ad for Rogers. There is no message and no Britney25f. Now, I could understand it if it came from a small, fly-by-night company, but for an established (and respected?) company with almost 100 years of history behind it, it surprised me, and to put it bluntly, stuck in my craw. How low will Rogers stoop to try and get my business, which, by the way, it already has. I've been sending a cheque every month for the better part of 30 years for cable TV service, which currently is over $60.

Shame on you, Rogers. Such tactics cheapen you. I expected better. Will you do the right thing and remove the offending ad? The poker site is

I sent Rogers a copy of this post. I'll post their response.

I should mention that the same ad promotes Bell, Fido, MTS, Sasktel, Telus, and Virgin Mobile.