Wednesday, 5 November 2008

How ironic is it?

How ironic is it that the election of Obama as president of the United States has made virtually the whole world jubilant while almost half the citizens of the united States are so completely distraught over it? Barack Obama was widely called a terrorist and even the anti-Christ. How could 150 million people hold such an extremely different view from the other six billion people on the planet?

I think the answer lies in the fact that Americans think quite differently than the rest of the world. And Obama is more like the rest of us than he is like the average American. In the minds of a great number of Americans, this can only spell disaster. Several had expressed to me that they would leave the country if Obama were to be elected. Remember, these are the same people who elected George W. Bush to office not once but twice. I think this makes it extremely clear how Americans think.

Right now

It's warmer in Toronto (17 C.) than it is in:

San Francisco (16 C.)
Rome (16 C.)
Paris (10 C.)
London (10 C.)

Must be all that globally warmed Arctic air wafting down.

Inappropriate image

Just what was this young lady thinking? The kid on the far right has no qualms about staring directly at heaven. I have a feeling these boys will never forget that day.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Britney Spears caught nude by hidden camera

An amateur photographer has made public explicit photos of...

Sorry, guys...this is just an experiment to see if scandalous keywords increase hits.

Monday, 3 November 2008