Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Then and now

In my Web meanderings, today, I came across Morgan Fairchild. You may remember her from the '70's or '80's from any number of TV shows. She was a guest on many top shows. Here she is from that era...

Here she is in more recent times...

One could argue that she is more attractive at age 62 (yes, 62!) than she was in her 20's. She has been blessed...either by God or by a very good plastic surgeon.

On this day, I also happened upon a vixen from one of the most popular TV shows of the 70's, Dallas. Charlene Tilton made many a man feel like a pedophile whenever she sauntered (that's how she walked--with a spring in her step) across our screens. She was 20 years old when she started the role, but she looked much younger. At least her face did. This is her from back then:

And more recent photos of Charlene, who is now 53...

Bless her heart. And thanks for the memories, Charlene.

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Saturday, 6 October 2012

Poor Elmo loses his job

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Is PETA going too far?

PETA is planning to paste the following ad on billboards as close to schools as possible in several Canadian cities. In a news release, they suggest that a tofurkey is substitued for the traditional bird.

I have greatly reduced the amount of meat I eat, but not for moral reasons. On those occasions I might eat turkey, pehaps once or twice a year, I couldn't imagine eating tofu instead of a steaming slice of turkey breast covered in gravy and cranberry sauce. My brain is watering just writing about it. But Fido is safe...dum!, dum!, dum!...or is he?


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