Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts

Tuesday 15 January 2013

This round goes to cat...

Believe it or not, this is an ad from Moldova, promoting a testosterone-laced cat nip. I guess it's meant to beef up your feline if it's getting bullied by the pooch next door.

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Wednesday 5 December 2012

Katy Perry was quite surprised

Yeah, I was about as surprised as Katy Perry looks by the photo below, but not for the reason you might think. I added the dog to the image...which seemed to me was missing from the original shot. Either a dog was missing or Perry's mind was. ;) The dog might explain her look of astonishment.

What the heck was going on in that moment the shutter snapped? Maybe she had a flashback to the evening before when she was high as a kite and dancing with a dog? French kissing a dog?

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Wednesday 31 October 2012

New and improved crap

Pizza Hut really struck gold with this idea.

If the lactose in the cheese isn't making you sick enough, the fat and cholesterol in the red meat isn't clogging your arteries enough, and the white flour isn't clogging up your butt enough, throw in some hooves and ears (or beaks and feet if it's a chicken hot dog) into the crust. Oh, there's no time to pick up a phone. You need one right now. Order online! While you're at it, you may as well call the paramedics. The amount of time between suffering a heart attack and receiving treatment is critical for recovery. Invite them in to watch TV with you while you wait for your coronary.

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Tuesday 16 October 2012

Dreams do come true

Terry Hostikka, of Brantford, Ontario won over $16 million in the 6-49 lottery.

When he was asked what he would do with the money, he said he can now afford to resume the search  for his long-lost buddy from when they were young lads growing up on the streets of Toronto. He still carries a photo of himself with his friend after all these years...

Okay, that was cruel. Terry does not look at all like that. The following was copied directly from his driver's license:

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Saturday 6 October 2012

Is PETA going too far?

PETA is planning to paste the following ad on billboards as close to schools as possible in several Canadian cities. In a news release, they suggest that a tofurkey is substitued for the traditional bird.

I have greatly reduced the amount of meat I eat, but not for moral reasons. On those occasions I might eat turkey, pehaps once or twice a year, I couldn't imagine eating tofu instead of a steaming slice of turkey breast covered in gravy and cranberry sauce. My brain is watering just writing about it. But Fido is safe...dum!, dum!, dum!...or is he?


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Wednesday 26 September 2012

Doggie bag

This brings new meaning to the term "doggie bag"...

Wait! Is that a dog or a pig? Actually, it's neither. It appears to be a pig-dog alien hybrid.

It was designed by Meryl Smith as carry-on luggage. Who would buy such a piece?

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Saturday 11 February 2012

Wednesday 16 February 2011

It's celebrity match time!

You, dear reader, have the opportunity to choose the best match for this week's celebrity, Kurt Cobain's widow, Courtney Cox.

Here she is in all her gory--I mean glory.

So, which of the following is her best match?

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Friday 25 June 2010

Ramblings of a rambling man

It was a glorious day today and I decided to go for a nice, long walk. As I passed a neighbourhood car service centre, a large sign over the one service bay they had read "Free Courtesy Check". I chuckled as I wondered to myself what they would call a courtesy check that they charged you for.

About half way through my walk, as I approached a beer store, how could I not think of enjoying a delicious, cold beer on this very warm day when my brisk walking has made it a very hot day. I paused for a moment to weigh the fact that I would have to carry the beer all the way home, almost a mile away. It took two seconds for me to start toward the entrance.

Funny how advertising really does work. Lately, there's been a constant barrage of Corona TV commercials and I settled on picking up a six pack. No sooner was I out of the beer store when I regretted my choice. You see, Corona do not have twist-off caps and as I trudged along, I longed to pull out a beer and discreetly consume it as I made my way home while I gently sweat.

The next thing that entered my mind was that all this refreshing beverage I was carrying was going to make me warmer than I already was. I pondered...the faster I walk, the sooner I'll get home, the less warm the beer will get, the less time it will need in the fridge before I can enjoy one. Of course, walking so fast will make me much warmer than I already was.

At about this time, I thought what a great problem for physics students to solve: You're carrying a case of beer that weighs 7 pounds. The temperature of the beer is 40 degrees. You're 1 mile from home and the temperature is 80 degrees. What is the optimum speed for you to walk in order to balance heat exertion with the time to get home and restore the beer to 40 degrees, suitable for consuming?

As I neared my home, I spotted a guy walking his dog on the sidewalk approaching me. I couldn't tell for sure, but the animal appeared to be a pit bull. I could see that the guy had a tight hold of the leash because the dog was head-strong. I should say right now that I have always been afraid of dogs--at least large ones, anyway. As the distance between me and the great beast waned, I worried about what to do. I don't want to appear to be a wimp and walk way over on the boulevard, nor did I relish being some crazed mastiff's snack.

With only yards between us now, the young man almost imperceptibly applys sufficent force to the lead to cause the dog to gradually move to the side. I breathed a sigh of relief and kept my eyes straight not wanting to tip off my would-be assailant to the fear I was hiding. I was so relieved, I felt like thanking the guy for his courteous gesture.

Two minutes later, I arrived home in a bit of a sweat and put the beer in the fridge. I immediately started making dinner and when it was ready, so was the beer. I called my daughter in and extended her a free, courtesy beer.

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Tuesday 9 March 2010

Q & A's from around the web

I have a St. Bernard/Mastiff mix in my home and I am thinking of getting a chihuahua. Is it safe?

I wouldn't advise it. There's a very good chance that the bigger dog would at some point bitch-slap the Chihuahua for his tacos.

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Friday 25 September 2009

Ripped from the headlines

ASPEN, Colo. - A Pomeranian has been kicked out of a Colorado resort town after getting in trouble for biting and other bad behaviour.

Municipal Judge Brooke Peterson told the dog's owner, Melinda Goldrich, that if the dog is seen again in Aspen, it will be rounded up by animal control officers and put to death. Goldrich was in court Wednesday on a charge of keeping a vicious dog.

An Aspen fitness club employee told The Aspen Times that the Pomeranian, named Gizmo, bit her in August while it was tied to a fence. The dog served 10 days in an animal shelter.

Goldrich had been under a court order to not leave Gizmo unattended after the dog bit another person in February. She also was cited in 2006 for the animal's bad behaviour.

Here's a picture of the vicious animal:

Sunday 12 July 2009

Ripped from the headlines

From an Edmonton, Canada news story...

An Edmonton woman caught on video sexually abusing her baby and performing sex acts on a poodle was locked up yesterday after failing to show up for sentencing.

The 30-year-old, who cannot be named to protect her daughter's identity, also got a tongue-lashing from a judge.

A rather bad choice of words, wouldn't you say?

The story continues...

In another video, she is seen performing sex acts on a pet poodle. The dog kept running away.

How scuzzy looking do you need to be for a dog to reject you???


Sunday 7 June 2009

This event has gone to the dogs

If you're a dog lover, don't miss North America's largest love-in for dogs, appropriately called Woofstock, taking place at Toronto's St' Lawrence Market next Saturday and Sunday (June 13-14). Meet like-minded people, enjoy some great food, enter your dog in some great contests, etc. For more information, click here.