Tuesday 24 June 2008

Herpes commercials

What's up with these commercials for a herpes (for which there's no cure) medication? Typically, they feature an attractive couple hugging and kissing, etc., with the male (it always seems) admitting he has herpes and how careful he is not to spread it to his new partner. Hello? He's an insane sex maniac who had unprotected sex with at least one person he didn't know well enough to realize that she had at least one STD. Girl, are you sure you want to hitch your wagon to such a person? Is there no question in your mind as to whether he may also be carrying a life-threatening STD worse than herpes? What other moronic decisions might he have made in his past or will make in the future? Is your self esteem so bad that you feel you can never find a more upstanding guy for the rest of your life? Even if this were so, is this guy worth risking your life for?

A more realistic scenario would be a girl running for her life upon finding out this guy was stupid enough to catch herpes due to extremely risky sexual behaviour. But then, Valtrex would remain on store shelves. The drug company needs to convince people that using their drug will keep their partner around. The task shouldn't prove too difficult. Their target customers have already shown how stupid they are in contracting an easily preventable serious disease.

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