Showing posts with label commercial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label commercial. Show all posts

Monday 24 May 2010

That's how we fix it

I did a double take when I saw this commercial for the first time. I literally laughed out loud and then chuckled for the next two days every time I thought about it. Listen to them laughing at the end. It's as if the characters themselves can't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. It's one of my all-time favourites.

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Saturday 24 April 2010

What's that smell?

No doubt you've noticed how technology is being used with increased frequency to produce visually interesting and perplexing TV commercials. One of my current favourites is an Old Spice commercial that really caught my attention the first time I saw it. Not only does it use tricks, but the premise is also very amusing. See for yourself...

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Monday 12 April 2010

The Mover

A year or so ago, I noticed a very nice girl's voice singing a jingle in a TV commercial. I forget which ad it was. Anyway, several months later, I heard the same, unmistakable voice in another commercial. Since then, the disembodied voice keeps popping up with more and more frequency. The jingles are always pleasant and uplifting.

Several weeks, ago, after hearing the same disembodied voice singing a background song in a TV show, it started to drive me crazy. Who is this woman, and why haven't I heard or read anything about her obvious popularity. About two days after that, lo and behold, the voice came from my daughter's room! I raced over and begged her--"Who belongs to that voice?!"

She tells me the name I was so curious about. I need to explain right now that my daughter watches very little TV. When I related to her what I just have to you, she had no idea of the phenomenon that was taking place. I went to my PC and found out all about this young recording star. As I suspected, she burst onto the recording scene with great success.

The reason I was inspired to write this tonight is that the artist blew me away. I mean even more so than before. I was watching TV and she sang her jingles in two consecutive commercials. The first was for Coffee Mate, and the second was for McDonald's.

By now, you may be wondering what has this post's title "The Mover" got to do with a singer. Allow me to let you in on what was to me the best kept secret in the recording industry. Her name is Emilie Mover. She is a Canadian musician with a stunningly beautiful, captivating voice and whose simple ballads are deliciously sweet.

If you've never heard of her or her music, here are a few tidbits to whet your appetite.

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Thursday 1 October 2009

I'm ok

Apparently, the following TV commercial aired during the 2009 Super Bowl last January, but I saw it for the first time just now. It struck me as very true to life, with a little artistic exaggeration for effect. I hope it makes you grin like I did. Ladies, this is a peek into the male psyche. Enjoy.

Thursday 3 September 2009

Everyone's favourite tax lawyer

Famed tax lawyer, Roni Deutch is asked what other career she might have pursued had she not become a lawyer.

Thursday 2 April 2009

Here come da judge...

I hate to admit it, but I am a big fan of the Fox Network court TV shows. Judge Mathis, in particular, is one very cool dude. If he hadn't decided to go into law, he could have made a pretty good living as a comic. But this post is not about him.

If any of you watch/have watched any of these shows, I think you'll identify with this. I am sooo tired of muting or switching channels just before it's time for another set of commercials. They have this annoying habit of playing excerpts from the segment that will follow the upcoming commercials. It would be bad enough if they just played 5-10 seconds of it, as it is usually the most interesting/unexpected/outrageous part, but they play as much as 30 seconds or more. Talk about spoiling the story.

If you forget/neglect to mute/switch channels, you may as well get up and clean the bathroom for the next five minutes because the only thing you'll be missing is commercials followed by a few minutes of crap that was too boring to put in the "preview".

If I were a (potential) sponsor, there's no way I'd advertise during those programs. Instead of giving the viewer incentive to stay glued to the TV, I believe it has the opposite effect. If one watches the preview, (s)he is likely to think "I'll run and (insert household chore here) and if I'm not back by the time the commercials are over, I probably won't miss much."

Tomorrow, I'll post about the banal subject of world hunger. Or not.

Sunday 22 February 2009

Pigs don't lie

According to this Axe Shampoo TV commercial, "94% of girls agree that dirty, greasy hair on a guy is a turn-off". Doesn't this beg the question "What do the other 6% think?" Are they split between "I don't mind a guy with dirty, greasy hair at all" and "I love being ravaged by a guy with dirty, greasy hair"?

Monday 24 November 2008

ADT turns the lights off

Recently, I noticed an ADT TV commercial that has been playing very frequently. For anyone who doesn't know, ADT is one of the biggest and most respected security companies in North America. The reason I noticed this commercial is because in it, the announcer says "You can arm and disarm your home remotely and even turn on and off your lights". Now, you can call me a nit picker and I wouldn't long as you don't do it by saying "Go home and pick them your nits".

Was this commercial translated from Japanese to English? Did none of the hundreds of people who read, saw, heard, were involved with or approved this commercial notice the glaring disjointed phrase? Perhaps the CEO's nine-year-old daughter wrote the copy.

I just decided to see how common this "flowery" phrase is. I got 121 hits on google for the exact phrase "turn on and off your lights". Well, it's nice to know that if ADT ever needs another ad writer, there's plenty of them out there who are up to its standards.

Ok, I'm leaving my keyboard now and going to turn it on my TV.

Tuesday 24 June 2008

Herpes commercials

What's up with these commercials for a herpes (for which there's no cure) medication? Typically, they feature an attractive couple hugging and kissing, etc., with the male (it always seems) admitting he has herpes and how careful he is not to spread it to his new partner. Hello? He's an insane sex maniac who had unprotected sex with at least one person he didn't know well enough to realize that she had at least one STD. Girl, are you sure you want to hitch your wagon to such a person? Is there no question in your mind as to whether he may also be carrying a life-threatening STD worse than herpes? What other moronic decisions might he have made in his past or will make in the future? Is your self esteem so bad that you feel you can never find a more upstanding guy for the rest of your life? Even if this were so, is this guy worth risking your life for?

A more realistic scenario would be a girl running for her life upon finding out this guy was stupid enough to catch herpes due to extremely risky sexual behaviour. But then, Valtrex would remain on store shelves. The drug company needs to convince people that using their drug will keep their partner around. The task shouldn't prove too difficult. Their target customers have already shown how stupid they are in contracting an easily preventable serious disease.