Showing posts with label coffee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coffee. Show all posts

Friday 12 October 2012

Yes, Canadians love them this much

This Tim Horton's drive-through can drive through a Tim Horton's drive-through.

This unit is used as a mobile restaurant and goes from site to site when an existing store is being renovated or newly built. It is equipped with a full kitchen and is used by both drive-through and walk-in customers.

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Monday 12 April 2010

The Mover

A year or so ago, I noticed a very nice girl's voice singing a jingle in a TV commercial. I forget which ad it was. Anyway, several months later, I heard the same, unmistakable voice in another commercial. Since then, the disembodied voice keeps popping up with more and more frequency. The jingles are always pleasant and uplifting.

Several weeks, ago, after hearing the same disembodied voice singing a background song in a TV show, it started to drive me crazy. Who is this woman, and why haven't I heard or read anything about her obvious popularity. About two days after that, lo and behold, the voice came from my daughter's room! I raced over and begged her--"Who belongs to that voice?!"

She tells me the name I was so curious about. I need to explain right now that my daughter watches very little TV. When I related to her what I just have to you, she had no idea of the phenomenon that was taking place. I went to my PC and found out all about this young recording star. As I suspected, she burst onto the recording scene with great success.

The reason I was inspired to write this tonight is that the artist blew me away. I mean even more so than before. I was watching TV and she sang her jingles in two consecutive commercials. The first was for Coffee Mate, and the second was for McDonald's.

By now, you may be wondering what has this post's title "The Mover" got to do with a singer. Allow me to let you in on what was to me the best kept secret in the recording industry. Her name is Emilie Mover. She is a Canadian musician with a stunningly beautiful, captivating voice and whose simple ballads are deliciously sweet.

If you've never heard of her or her music, here are a few tidbits to whet your appetite.

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Wednesday 21 October 2009

Deep, philosophical question

Why do I have to pay for unlimited TV watching if I only watch a few hours per month? Why isn't all TV programming "pay per view"? It's like driving your car 100 miles per month but paying for as much gas as if you drove it 24/7. WTF? Why aren't there the multitude of packages and options that we see for phone (land or mobile) service? I mean besides the fact it would be more fair and provide less profit for our overlords. It's like having to buy a public transit monthly pass when you only need to travel once per week. WTF? It's like wanting a coffee and doughnut but every restaurant forces you to pay $20 for all-you can-eat. WTF? Feel free to post your own analogy in the "Comments" section. And don't forget to tack on "WTF?" on the end.

Monday 23 February 2009

Q & A's from around the web

What can you get free from Starbucks that helps your roses, azaleas and other acid loving plants to flourish?

A dead coffee jockey.

Thursday 30 October 2008

Q & A's from around the web

Are the ice caps going to melt?

That depends. How long ago did you pick them up at the coffee shop?