Showing posts with label assault. Show all posts
Showing posts with label assault. Show all posts

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

The assault on English

The note on the link below reads...

Dated, but sometimes still used for humorous affect.

"affect"? Really? Such a basic error in a dictionary? The war against English has been won. 


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Friday, 10 April 2009

Q & A's from around the web

If my girlfriend is talking a lot of sh** and being disrespectful, is it wrong if I pop her one in the mouth?

Editor's note: I'm sure the above question was meant in jest, but some of the (serious) answers are frightening.

Not at all. Women need to be put in their place from time to time. They try to act like they can do whatever they want at times. A good punch in face with make her respect you, and also be more horny for you.

Why dont you say "honey please be respectful". That should work.

Only rappers can do that. You'll have to re-phrase your question in a rhyming format where every other word has to be censored.

um yes if someone is being mean,disrespectful u cant just pop them what u should do is dump her and go out with sum one who can respect me.

Editor's note: Fascinating. The above girl wants to get involved with someone who would consider punching her in the mouth if he gets annoyed. The following guys are actually giving the would-be abuser tips.

I'd advise you to do like the cops and put a phonebook to her face before beating her to avoid leaving marks.

maybe just once... they won't put you away for life for somethin like that. but on a serious tip, don't. espscially if she's ghetto because she might just show you a thing or two

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

I am outraged and ashamed

There is no bigger proponent of multi-culturalism and racial diversity than I. I am also a proud Canadian trumpeting far and wide on this medium how great a place Canada is as the most culturally diverse country in the world. We seem to get along much better than most countries, celebrating our differences in so many ways--via parades, food fairs, picnics, festivals, etc., some of these events attracting over one million participants, many travelling from other countries to join the festivities.

But this past week, an incident has tarnished Canada's image. It is alleged that three drunken Vancouver-area, off-duty police officers brutally assaulted and robbed a man of colour. In the process, the victim alleges that one of the officers uttered a racial statement. As of this writing, no charges have been laid, but it seems very likely that there will be soon.

You may be asking yourself why I'm bringing this to light. I'm conflicted about it, really, but let me try to explain. It's not the Canadian way to sweep things under the rug. If we do wrong, we acknowledge it, hold those responsible accountable, make reparations, and fix things that need fixing. Hopefully, the publicity this case attracts will inspire authorities and politicians to work that much harder to ensure that conditions that allow something like this to happen, are rectified.

For anyone to commit such a heinous crime is appalling, but for members of those sworn "to serve and protect", it is nothing short of sickening. I just hope that justice will be served in the way of severe punishment for the guilty. The last thing we need is for the poor victim to be victimized again.

The Story.

Saturday, 10 January 2009

Vehicular Assault

Yesterday morning at 9:00 a.m., I moved my car from my building's parking lot to allow it to be cleared of snow (the lot, not the car). I parked my car across the street at a busy shopping mall. I would find out at about 4 p.m. that I had left the vehicle unlocked all day long.

As I approached the car, I noticed right away that the driver's door lock was in the raised position. I was very uneasy as I got in and checked my console and glove box, almost expecting to see something was missing. Though there was nothing of value, anyway, I breathed a sigh of relief that no one had disturbed the sanctity of my car.

If you've never had your car or home ransacked, you wouldn't know the ugly feeling of violation. It's sort of how I imagine a woman would feel after being sexually assaulted, but of course, far, far less devastating. But the thought of some low life who probably has b.o. and bad breath along with a wanton disregard for anybody's property or feelings going through your personal stuff is not a pleasant one.

There was a time when my vehicle would get broken into on a regular basis. I lost jewellery, a briefcase with personal papers inside, and even had my wire wheel covers stolen. When you first discover the crime, you feel like you could kill the bastard if he were right there.

Anyway, the absence of criminal activity on this day made me think of Michael Moore in Bowling For Columbine where he found a number of homes with unlocked doors in downtown Toronto, and commented on the contrast between Canadian and U.S. cities. I don't buy that large Canadian cities are filled with angels as Moore would have everyone believe, but it was a pleasant surprise that even in a busy shopping mall parking lot just outside Toronto, with hordes of young people from nearby schools coming and going, my open vehicle remained unsoiled by strangers' hands.

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Ripped from the headlines

Man assaults girlfriend with cheeseburger

VERO BEACH, Fla. – A Vero Beach man faces a domestic violence charge after authorities said he assaulted his girlfriend with a cheeseburger. An Indian River County Sheriff's Office arrest report said a 22-year-old man and his girlfriend got into an argument as they sat in a car in front of their home.

The report said the man would not let the woman out of the vehicle, so she threw his drink out of the car. In response, the man allegedly grabbed her arm and smashed the cheeseburger into her face. The pair got out of the car, and authorities say the man again took the McDonald's sandwich and put it on her face.

The man was released on $1,000 bond Wednesday.


I wonder how much the bail would have been if instead he had thrown chicken McNuggets at her.