Showing posts with label las vegas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label las vegas. Show all posts

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Las Vegas mass murder

Anyone else find it amusing to watch how left and right scramble to paint the Las Vegas shooter as a member of the other side? It really doesn't matter which side he was on. folks, because one thing we know for sure, is that he was mental as anything. And trust me--there's just as many lefty mentally ill as there are righty mentally ill. This is one argument whose point is definitely moot. Which brings us full circle.

The larger, and more important issue is why this mass murder problem is so prevalent in America, like nowhere else. If Second amendment proponents are right (correct), that it has little to nothing to do with firearm availability, then one must concede that there is something in American culture that nurtures conditions for these occurrences (more so than other countries). Your exercise for today, is to think of the ways that American culture is most different from other cultures. In these personal inquiries, hopefully, you'll find some answers. I encourage you to share your thoughts after this exercise with any non-American friends for maximum value. Oftentimes, people on the outside looking in have a different perspective.

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Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Photo ageing

From CSI Las Vegas, Marg Helgenburger pictured below...

...will become Joan Rivers in 25 years...

In fairness to Joan, here's a more flattering picture of her...

You shouldn't be having such thoughts about a 70ish gal.

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Thursday, 27 November 2008

Brilliant CSI's? I think not.

What's up with every location in every episode of CSI taking place in the dark? The CSI geniuses are smart enough to find a kidnapped person from a single clue of a wasp larva burnt to a crisp found in the wheel well of an abandoned car, but they're not smart enough to turn on the lights in their lab to examine evidence? The biggest item in the crime unit's budget must be for flashlight batteries. Gimme a break.