Showing posts with label mail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mail. Show all posts

Saturday 7 February 2009

Close Encounters of the unwanted kind

How come there's a national "Do not call" list designed to keep annoying telephone calls from disturbing the peace and sanctity of our personal space, and spam blockers designed to allow us to keep billions of unwanted e-mails from destroying our time and sanity, but there's nothing to stem the tide of unsolicited junk mail cluttering up our cherished bills, parking tickets and notices of jury duty?

Why is it legal for someone to send me as much crap as they can afford to send and I am obligated under threat of being taken away by armed agents of the government, to accept it all? Isn't it about time that in the name of the environment, not to mention in the name of Vinny, that a national "Do not send" list is established?

Virtually every business day of the year, I receive about three pieces of junk mail. I never spend more than the time it takes to pick it up and deliver it to my recycling bag, reading any of it. Yes, it's good that it is recycled (I hope you all do, too), but there is a large cost involved in the life cycle of printed matter.

And while I'm coming up with ideas for this wish list, can someone please come up with a "Do not encounter" list for cell phones? You know, you populate your cellphone with the names--phone numbers, I guess, of people you'd least like to run into, say, your ex-wife who took you to the cleaners and would frisk you for more in a chance encounter, the guy you borrowed $50 from a month ago that you were supposed to pay back three weeks ago, Uncle Leo, etc., and through the magic of GPS, keeps them at bay. Perhaps for a small additional monthly fee, the phone will direct you to the nearest and best hiding place when someone from your DNE list is dangerously near.

A light bulb just went off--or is it "went on"? Funny that we say an alarm went off when it really went on. Anyway, on this same theme...ya know what? This post is long enough. If your attention span is as short as mine, you stopped reading after the first paragraph. I'll describe my brilliant idea in another post, tomorrow. Be sure to stop by. I'll be serving free coffee and Danish.

Saturday 15 November 2008

I reported an issue to MickeySoft

...about their recent implementation of a new release of Windows Live Mail (hotmail). Here is my report followed by their response followed by my response to their response:

From : Vinny
Sent : Sunday, November 09, 2008 1:28:25 AM UTC
Subject : Windows Live Mail:Other:Viewing Messages

Service :
Windows Live Mail

What type of problem do you have?
Other [Other]

Viewing Messages [Viewing Messages]

Be specific when describing your problem. The details that you include enable us to promptly send you the most likely solution to your issue.

"Check Mail" is no longer a function. Is there another way?

To: Vinny
Subject: RE: SRX1084189647ID - Windows Live Mail:Other:Viewing Messages
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 04:00:19 -0800

Hello Vinny,

Thank you for writing to Windows Live Hotmail Technical Support. My name is Anna and I apologize for the delay in responding to your e-mail. I gather that you no longer have the Check Mail function. I understand the importance of this matter to you.

Windows Live Hotmail has just released a new version to provide better user experience. Check Mail function was removed. We understand this change may have come as a surprise to you, but we strongly feel you will soon have a much better experience with the new Windows Live Hotmail. As always, your satisfaction is our main goal.

To learn more about the new features and benefits of Windows Live Hotmail, please visit:

We recognize that a change like this can feel unexpected and surprising, and we are eager to hear your feedback (both positive and negative) about the auto-upgrade process.

To send your feedback:

1. Please go to
2. Select the first option in the drop-down list, "I want to provide feedback on the automatic update to Windows Live Hotmail."

or click on the help icon "?" and choose "Feedback" on the upper right side of the page.

You are valuable at Windows Live and we look forward to provide you with consistent and effective service. We appreciate your input and involvement in our Windows Live products.


Anna P.
Windows Live Hotmail Technical Support

Hello Anna,

Thank you for writing to me. My name is Vinny and I apologize for the delay in responding to your e-mail. I gather that you are aware that I no longer have the "Check Mail" function. I don't believe you understand the importance of this matter to me.

I understand that Windows Live Hotmail has just released a new version to provide better user experience. "Check Mail" function was removed. You understand this change came as a surprise to me, and while I strongly feel I will soon have a much better experience with the new Windows Live Hotmail, I also strongly feel I will miss the "Check Mail" function. If, as always, my satisfaction is your main goal, you would either explain how I can accomplish the same function, as my e-mail asked or else take steps to re-introduce the function.

I have learned more about the new features and benefits of Windows Live Hotmail, at:
but it doesn't address the removal of the "Check Mail" function.

The change was unexpected and surprising, and I am eager to hear your feedback (both positive and negative) about the auto-upgrade process that removes a popular function without warning.

You are not so valuable at Windows Live since you did not answer my question on how to accomplish the function in the new version of Windows Live Mail but I look forward to you providing me with inconsistent but hopefully, occasional effective service. If you appreciate my input and involvement in Windows Live products, please respond with useful information.


Vinny M.
Windows Live Hotmail user