Showing posts with label woman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label woman. Show all posts

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

The Jodi Arias saga continues

 Alyce LaViolette, expert witness for the defence on domestic violence in the Jody Arias murder trial conducting one of many of her acclaimed seminars entitled "Was Snow White a Battered Woman?".

Well, I found a copy of the story of Snow White and read it very carefully (twice) and even though I may not be an expert, it is my opinion that Snow White was not battered. I found not an iota of evidence to support that outlandish claim. I read nothing to suggest that she was battered, breaded or even lightly dusted with flour, let alone battered.

I apologize to true victims of abuse of either gender for making light of this subject. Many people seem to forget that the victim in this case was Travis Alexander and not Jodi Arias. There is not a shred of evidence that Mr. Alexander was ever physically violent toward Ms. Arias. However, it's been well established that not only was Jodi a vindictive, scheming, conniving, stalker, but also a compulsive liar.

And as for Ms. LaViolette, this woman sees abuse (and victims) everywhere she looks, especially of the male toward female variety. She is almost totally blind to the reverse situation, ignoring all evidence of such.

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Thursday, 13 December 2012

First bubble man, now bubble woman

This ad appeared adjacent to an article by Ann Coulter.

Are they kidding? Why would anyone waste money on whatever they're selling. The ad itself probably works better to boost testosterone. Well, maybe it's not as effective when it's in close proximity to Coulter--the anti-testosterone.

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Monday, 1 October 2012

Truth in advertising?

The ad below appeared on my Facebook page recently. Take a good look at it. Unfortunately, the image is not very clear. It was a very small ad and so I doubled its size.

Regardless, does she look like a senior to you? Does she look like she needs the help of an online dating service to meet men? Lastly, maybe I'm just jaded, but does she strike you as a person who would be faithful? If she had any less clothing, she'd look like she were posing for Sports Illustrated. I'd be willing to bet dollars to doughnuts that this young lady does not have a profile on the advertised website.

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Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Designing women

I am by no means an expert at image editing, but if I were in charge of designing women, this pretty body builder would look more like the lower image.

Cindy Philips by Cindy 

Cindy Philips by Enzo 

There's just something about a woman who looks like she can punish you (and not in a good way), that is a real turn-off. Tell me what you think by clicking on "Comments" below.

(By the way, I wonder why somebody edited out the Kia she was holding on her shoulder.)