Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Ripped from the headlines

Bob Barker, well-known and popular ex-game show host is angry with Edmonton, Alberta, Canada for keeping Lucy the elephant in an inappropriate environment. He claims that she is sick and should be transferred to an elephant sanctuary in California citing the harsh, cold winters in Edmonton as one of the reasons the pachyderm is not doing well. but city fathers and zoo officials say that Lucy is healthy except for a tooth problem and insist that an extended trip may kill the elephant.

After being pressured by Zoocheck Canada, a Toronto-based animal rights group, the Edmonton zoo released the following photo which it says demonstrates that Lucy is well cared for and is provided the same highly effective protection from the cold that most Canadians use:

The story.

Monday, 23 February 2009

Q & A's from around the web

What can you get free from Starbucks that helps your roses, azaleas and other acid loving plants to flourish?

A dead coffee jockey.

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Pigs don't lie

According to this Axe Shampoo TV commercial, "94% of girls agree that dirty, greasy hair on a guy is a turn-off". Doesn't this beg the question "What do the other 6% think?" Are they split between "I don't mind a guy with dirty, greasy hair at all" and "I love being ravaged by a guy with dirty, greasy hair"?

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Not once, but twice

As for the contest, there was no winner. We'll just carry over the prize pool to the next contest. The correct answer was "bow tie pasta".

Friday, 20 February 2009

And the Grammy goes to A--no, B...no, it goes to C...

I happened to hear the following three songs within a couple of days and I was astounded. I probably shouldn't have been, given that I've heard all three of them hundreds of times. I'm sure most people have, also. Hopefully, you'll find it mildly interesting if not astounding. Shiny objects astound me.

Play this snippet and think about what song it is:

You're probably right.

Now play this song:

What do you think? Cover of song #1?

Now play this last one:

Yet another cover of song #1?

Here are the full songs, easily identifiable.

If you're mildly retarded (or under 40), they are:
a) Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry
b) Fun, Fun, Fun by The Beach Boys
c) Roll Over Beethoven by The Beatles

Tomorrow, I'll post about the remarkable similarities between celery and anis. I'm kidding...I don't think I can post anything that interesting. But if you've never tasted anis, I highly recommend it. It's good enough to be fruit...or cake.