Tuesday, 26 May 2009

It was forty years ago, today...

Many people know that it was 40 years ago, today, on May 26, that John Lennon along with wife Yoko Ono, started his week-long bed-in for peace in Montreal. What most people don't know is that the couple spent the previous night at Toronto's King Edward hotel where a remarkable thing happened.

Then 14-year-old Jerry Levitan had heard that the famous Beatle had spent the previous night at the King "Eddie" and so armed with a Kodak Brownie and a crude, Super-8 movie camera incapable of sound, he was determined to find and interview Lennon. After knocking on a few random doors, a helpful hotel chamber maid directed him to the couple's room.

Unbelievably, Lennon allowed the boy in who immediately started snapping pictures. After a while, Lennon had to leave for a time, but young Levitan asked if he could come back when Lennon returned and tape an interview about peace that he could later play to his school mates. The young lad then must have been beside himself when Lennon agreed.

14-year-old Jerry Levitan interviewing Lennon at the King Edward Hotel May 26th, 1969

Here are a couple of excerpts from the interview:

Levitan went on to become a lawyer and filmmaker. His animated 2007 short, I Met the Walrus, based on about four minutes of his 30-minute interview with Lennon, was nominated for an Oscar.

Lennon left Toronto that night and flew with Ono to Montreal to begin their bed-in. They recorded Give Peace A Chance in their hotel room on June 1.


My tribute to John Lennon's "Imagine".

Monday, 25 May 2009

Window washing dominates news

Two window washers were stranded for almost two hours, 19 storeys above ground-level after the electrical wires of their lift became entangled with a sign and was pulled out of a socket, leaving them without electricity and unable to get back down.

The thing I found most interesting about this news story was the name of the reporter.

Sunday, 24 May 2009

Don't forget to check the oil

If you wondered how bad the economic downturn is for the airline industry, here's a clue. This Air Canada pilot at Toronto's Pearson International Airport was spotted doing a chore normally performed by other staff.

Friday, 22 May 2009

Dead man walking!

Yesterday, I took the longest walk since my recent heart attack. I went about two miles (round trip) to re-fill one of my prescriptions. It was quite pleasant even if most of the way my nostrils were filled with car exhaust and for a short stretch the fumes of some solvent from a homeowner who was painting or something. The worst part of the trip was paying the almost $100 for a one-month supply of Lipitor. If the heart attack doesn't kill and you survive the hospital food, the cost of medication should do the trick. I hope I die soon--I can't afford the meds that are keeping me alive! Did I mention the side effects of taking five different drugs each day? I'm not sure if I mentioned it because one of the effects is being in a stupor. I think I used to be a fairly smart guy. Now, when there's a knock on my door, I open the refrigerator door. It wouldn't be so bad, but now I'm 20 pounds overweight and I need to go on diet pills I can't afford.

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

How messy does a room have to be to warrant a 9-1-1 call?

An Ohio man who argued with his grown son over a messy bedroom said he overreacted when he called 911. Andrew Mizsak called authorities Thursday after his 28-year-old son threw a plate of food across the kitchen table and made a fist at him when told to clean his room.

The son, also named Andrew, lives in a room in his parents' basement.

The father declined to press charges and told police he doesn't want to ruin his son's political career.

The son, who also works as a political consultant, said he's lucky to be living in the house rent free. He also promises to keep his room clean.


Editor's note: The story isn't funny enough on its own. Look at the comments it elicited...


"The son, who also works as a political consultant, said he's lucky to be living in the house rent free."

Got to be a Democrat.


"threw a plate of food across the kitchen table and made a fist at him when told to clean his room."

Hmmm... gets angry when confronted with the mess he's made - MUST be a Republican.


"He also promises to keep his room clean."

Must be Green Party.