Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

Monday 10 October 2011

Capitalism gone mad!

At the little supermarket across the road, they sometimes feature cases of 24, 30 or 32 bottles of water for $2.49 or $2.99. A good price if one ignores the fact that it is only water, and that you can scoop up the stuff from just about anywhere you see the 326,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons (326 million trillion gallons) of the stuff (roughly 1,260,000,000,000,000,000,000 litres). These particular bottles are 500 ml. (half a litre). For the many unwashed reading this, you can think of it as about half a quart.

That works out to less than .10 a bottle. Let's assume for purposes of this discussion that it is a fair price. Or, if you like we can double that price and go with .20 a bottle. Now, I am a frequent visitor to a certain sports venue, and I happen to know that this same size bottle is sold there for...hold your breath...$3. Outrageous! Surely, as a business, they can purchase in bulk for less than the everyday price the public pays at grocery stores.

Even assuming .20 for their cost, that means that they are realizing a profit of over 93%. If car dealers were jacking up prices as much, that $30,000 car you have your eye on might have a sticker price that reads $500,000.

Now, for the piece de resistance. My sister, recently returned from a pleasant adventure to Niagara Falls, where she visited a popular tourist trap, told me that a bottle of water was going for $5. That's right, folks. That same little bottle that might not be enough to satisfy your thirst on a hot summer's day, that is worth about .20, is sold for $5. Buy for twenty cents...sell for five dollars. Nice gig if you can get it. Or should I say "sham"?

Why do our governments allow this gouging? I'll tell you why. Government is no longer in the business of protecting or serving the people. They have switched sides and now are in cahoots with the elite, powerful and wealthy. Anything it does that remotely appears to benefit ordinary people is nothing more than a smokescreen to hide the true nature of its workings.

The time has come for us to take back our power. And the robber barons wonder what all the fuss is about on Wall Street and anywhere else they operate. Join one of the many protests and demand an end to the ever-growing gap between rich and poor.

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Thursday 1 September 2011

Silly politician. Names are for people.

You'd think that with all their millions stolen from the people that they'd buy themselves a real name. WTF kind of "name" is "Mitt"??? I've seen and heard plenty of stupid politician names, so here's just a sampling:

Young Boozer (No doubt it'll soon change to Middleaged Skirt-Chaser.)

Krystal Ball (I'm sure Ball has been seen with Weiner at one time or another.)

Frank Schmuck (Finally, some truth in politics.)

Mark Reckless (Aren't all politicians related to this guy?)

Philip Forgit (Can't get it done legally? Forgit!)

Janelle Lawless (Circuit Judge - what else would she be?)

Dick Swett (Er...never mind.)

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Friday 26 August 2011

Fun on the boards

I rarely post at political message boards anymore, but I just came across a thread I particpated in and which I found to be quite amusing, even if in a very childish way...

A conservatard (my pet name for them):

If we do not reduce spending and the national debt the rest of the world will devalue our dollar and our ratings which will cause the complete collapse of the US. That is what Obama and the liberals are trying to do which is what the rest of us are trying to stop.

By antagonizing liberals? Good plan. Wouldn't it work better if you stopped being a coward and killed some?

What makes you think I have not already. Ask yourself how many liberals have disapeared in the last 4 years. Wonder where they went.

A liberal:

Into your momma's vag?

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Thursday 25 February 2010

What a world

The amazing low price immediately catches your eye! Then, you notice that this great price is for an all-inclusive. Even better! Well, almost all-inclusive--it doesn't include the $320 in taxes that the fine print tells you about. Still, a great price by any standards, but why such exorbitant taxes? If the airlines and hotels can offer such a wonderful deal, why does the government feel the need to take more than half the total cost of the product/service? Kinda makes you want to shake the livin' crap out of the nearest politician, doesn't it?

March in the SAVINGS

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Tuesday 16 February 2010

Faux News...or is it Fake News?

Fox News likes to proclaim themselves "fair and balanced", so imagine my surprise when I googled "republican party politics" and found "" was the third website listed. Imagine my grin when the next website down was "". Now, imagine my laughter when the next website turned out to be "". When it comes to fair and balanced republican reporting, Fox News is clearly "on top".

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Monday 4 January 2010

The Rush to the hospital

HONOLULU – Conservative talk radio show host Rush Limbaugh said Friday tests showed nothing was wrong with his heart after he was hospitalized with chest pains.

Limbaugh, 58, was released from The Queen's Medical Center two days after he was rushed there during a vacation. Doctors said he did not have a heart attack or heart disease.

"The pain was real, and they don't know what caused it," Limbaugh said, adding his best guess was he had a spasm in an artery.


As it turns out, someone was able to get a copy of one of Rush's x-rays and it's been circulating around the web. It just goes to show that these days it's hard to cover up anything and when something is uncovered, it spreads like wildfire. Despite assurances that the cause of the chest pain was of unknown origin, I think the x-ray speaks for itself...

For God's sake, Rush--chew it up a bit before swallowing. You don't have to prove you have a big mouth.

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Sunday 3 January 2010

Adolph Bush

I like to pass along the occasional gem I come across. This certainly qualifies even if it's a bit past its "best before" date.

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Tuesday 23 June 2009

Political rant

Welfare fraud is perpetrated illegally by the poor and desperate. Tax avoidance is legally taken advantage of by the rich and affluent. "Loopholes" are mostly devised by the rich to help the rich. Let's get one other thing straight. I'm not naive enough to believe that things will change significantly in favour of the poor at the expense of the rich. Wealth in America, like guns in America will come from wherever it/they are most easy to be gotten.

The argument that jurisdictions where gun control has been enacted shows little or no gun-related crime decline is due simply because guns are brought in from other places. Unless you make it extremely difficult to get guns at all, be ready to bury your child, grandchild or yourself from taking a stray bullet.

It's the same story with wealth. I believe it was Maryland that enacted a "Millionaire" law in an attempt to tax the rich a little more. Surprisingly (to some), suddenly the number of filers with income over one million dropped by about one third. They're still wondering what happened to all those millionaires. You can be sure that they didn't suddenly experience a huge drop in their income. Some left the state, some hid money and others more adept at wealth building than I, came up with other methods to stay one step ahead of the tax man.

You can't force people to take care of their own families let alone strangers. For some unGodly, truly unGodly, reason, a lot of Americans are under the mistaken notion that it is possible to keep almost all of their earned cash with no ramifications at all. Why do you think that the streets are riddled with crime, junkies, hos, homeless? Why do you think that individuals and businesses need to barricade their premises like fortresses and spend big bucks on security officers and systems? Why do you think the insurance corporations are among the biggest companies in the world? This all costs everyone a ton of money. These are just some examples of where much of our money goes because we adamantly stick to the principle "I earned my money and no one should take any of it and give it to someone else". Guess what. You are giving it to someone else--just not the ones who need it!

You're giving it to the companies who make the products or provide the services I mentioned above. Then there's the cost of crime prevention, detection, analysis, pursuit, prosecution, incarceration, rehabilitation, etc. My dear, misguided soul--get it through your head and go forth and teach others that to a point, the less tax you pay, the more it costs you. There will always be those who for varied reasons can't or won't fend for themselves. To not help them through the distribution of wealth by means of taxation simply means that most of them will cost all of us even more money as they use more destructive ways to get what they need and want. The rest will waste away on the streets. Neither is a better alternative to higher taxes.

I have proved countless times that the countries with the most social programs have an overall better standard of living than the U.S. I will concede that the U.S. boasts more billionaires than any other country, but it also has more crime, pollution, drug addicts, prostitutes, inmates, homeless and just about any other negative aspect a society can have. It is a fact that paying more in taxes makes for a more productive, enjoyable, happy, safer life for all. The numbers don't lie. Unless you're Enron, Worldcom, Ebbers, Madoff, etc.

It is not incongruent for a staunch conservative who believes that one should be responsible for his own well-being to also believe in higher taxes for the purpose of more distribution of wealth. You're not necessarily doing it for others. You will gain as much from it as anyone. In fact, you will gain more. Money for most people is easy to come by. Safety, security, a clean environment and a life rich with culture and fulfilment are the rewards you will reap when you don't force people who for whatever reasons can't or won't otherwise live by mainstream rules. For each penny you give them willingly, it's one less penny they won't have to stab you for, or burglarize your home or business for, and make you pay for their stay in prison for, etc. You will pay one way or another. The only question is whether you want to do it in a way that ensures relative peace in society or turmoil.

Wednesday 20 May 2009

How messy does a room have to be to warrant a 9-1-1 call?

An Ohio man who argued with his grown son over a messy bedroom said he overreacted when he called 911. Andrew Mizsak called authorities Thursday after his 28-year-old son threw a plate of food across the kitchen table and made a fist at him when told to clean his room.

The son, also named Andrew, lives in a room in his parents' basement.

The father declined to press charges and told police he doesn't want to ruin his son's political career.

The son, who also works as a political consultant, said he's lucky to be living in the house rent free. He also promises to keep his room clean.


Editor's note: The story isn't funny enough on its own. Look at the comments it elicited...


"The son, who also works as a political consultant, said he's lucky to be living in the house rent free."

Got to be a Democrat.


"threw a plate of food across the kitchen table and made a fist at him when told to clean his room."

Hmmm... gets angry when confronted with the mess he's made - MUST be a Republican.


"He also promises to keep his room clean."

Must be Green Party.

Wednesday 31 December 2008

WARNING: Inciting political statements below

The following is a posting I recently made on a message board in response to a fellow poster who asserted that Australia was not only better than the United States, but in his opinion, the best country in the world. It's a little "colourful", but I tend to do that when writing on politics.

Mr. Furple, Australia is indeed a fine country, but you know very well that Canada has been the best country to live for decades. I say so and the United Nations says so. You have either forgotten, dismissed or ignored the posting I made at the NOSY board which clearly shows that Canada has been rated the number one place to live more times than any other country. In fact, Canada is almost always in the top five, currently sitting in the number three spot, one ahead of your lovely country.

In contrast, the U.S. has never cracked better than the number six spot and is currently rated 15th. They just can't seem to get past that "S-word" (Socialism) that their overseers have convinced them spells doom. Ironically (to Americans), the upper echelons of the UN HDI list is always populated by social-minded nations. We seem to have grasped that taking a little more out of workers' pay checks to help those in need makes for a happy and peaceful populace. Americans are stuck in the hell that allows a handful of born-into-money multi-billionaires to stay rich and for millions to be homeless, millions to languish in prisons and much of the rest staging gunfights in the streets fighting tooth and nail for their sliver of the American pie--a pie that is tainted and well past its expiration date.

Another tenet of "the American dream" is freedom and democracy. This dream is really a pipe dream. It is yet another way that the rich fool the huddled masses into buying into this system that forever keeps a small number of people filthy rich and a large number of people...well, just filthy. According to the 2008 Democracy Index (which measures electoral process and pluralism, civil liberties, functioning of government, political participation and political culture), the United States ranks 18th in the world. This kind of performance from a country who purports to export democracy far and wide. What they really export is imperialism for the benefit of the elite few Americans.

Saturday 20 December 2008

Q & A's from around the web

Does anyone know of any politically oriented online games that simulate elections?

Try the Bill and Monica game. Oh. I thought you said "stimulate erections".

Thursday 23 October 2008

How much more dirty can politics get?

The following ad has been playing on TV more times than I can count the last few weeks.

It seems to me that if politicians put half as much effort into serving the people as they put into digging up dirt and defaming their opposition, things would be a lot better for all of us. I've never understood why they get away with the slanderous messages they bombard us with. They never seem to get sued. I'm sure that at least some of these messages are true but either way, they are scumbags for libelling someone so viciously or else they are scumbags for having done what they're accused of. I can't wait until one of them is "exposed" as a paedophile or necrophiliac.