Showing posts with label game. Show all posts
Showing posts with label game. Show all posts

Sunday 15 February 2009

Cry me a river

It's been an awful drought--much longer than a player of my skill level should have to weather (get it? drought/weather?), but finally the cards went my way and I won a poker tourney today. I swear the number of times I am ahead in a hand only to be called outrageously by players with nothing but hope, only to lose it on the river is statistically impossible...exponentially, statistically impossible. There is something else at play. After months of pain-staking investigation, intense scrutiny, thorough examination, in-depth computer analysis, and losing tens of dollars, it turns out there's a simple explanation:

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Name That Tune

I started another site recently called "Name That Tune". It's fashioned after the popular game show from the '70's. There are three clues in the form of increasing snippets of the beginning of classic rock and pop songs from mostly 50's-70's. Give it a whirl--maybe challenge your friends. The answer follows the clues in the form of a link. I've been adding a new tune each day, so be sure to bookmark it. You can get there from here. There's also a link on the right hand side of this page.

Saturday 20 December 2008

Q & A's from around the web

Does anyone know of any politically oriented online games that simulate elections?

Try the Bill and Monica game. Oh. I thought you said "stimulate erections".

Thursday 6 November 2008

How ironic is it?

How ironic is it that a video game about death, destruction and war is rated "M"? I don't know about you, but what I would call someone purchasing such a game is definitely not "Mature". Maybe the "M" rating stands for "Moron"?

Saturday 23 August 2008

New World Edition Monopoly game

Does anyone else find the new World Edition Monopoly game board conspicuous? First of all, I had to look up "Gdynia". Sure, it's the cheapest property on the board, but why is it on there at all when cities like Los Angeles, Chicago and Rio de Janeiro are absent? Riga is the second-most expensive property, the best-kept secret among jet-setters...I guess. I might understand if China had two cities on the board, but three??? I've saved the most bizarre aspect for last.

Canada, a country so small in population that it barely surpasses the city of Tokyo, is the only country represented on the board besides China with more than one city--and it has not two cities, but three! Lastly, the coveted "Boardwalk" location is now occupied by Montreal, one of the least important cities in Canada. I'm not sure if it's still shrinking in size, but people are running away from Montreal faster than the residents around the recent huge propane facility explosion in Toronto were.

Here's a look at the properties on the new board in descending order of value:

Saturday 28 June 2008

Wanna play with my kitty?

Try different moves with your cursor. Touch different parts of Kitty's body with it.