Showing posts with label stupid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stupid. Show all posts

Thursday 1 September 2011

Silly politician. Names are for people.

You'd think that with all their millions stolen from the people that they'd buy themselves a real name. WTF kind of "name" is "Mitt"??? I've seen and heard plenty of stupid politician names, so here's just a sampling:

Young Boozer (No doubt it'll soon change to Middleaged Skirt-Chaser.)

Krystal Ball (I'm sure Ball has been seen with Weiner at one time or another.)

Frank Schmuck (Finally, some truth in politics.)

Mark Reckless (Aren't all politicians related to this guy?)

Philip Forgit (Can't get it done legally? Forgit!)

Janelle Lawless (Circuit Judge - what else would she be?)

Dick Swett (Er...never mind.)

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Wednesday 23 March 2011

Public Service Announcement

I'm so glad that the same dumbasses who can program a computer virus attack couldn't spell "shit" or compose a simple sentence if their lives depended on it. We'd be in big trouble, otherwise. Case in point: I just received an e-mail with the subject line "If your over Forty it is time to Secure yourFamily!"

The first "your" should be "you're", "Forty", "Secure" and "Family" should not be capitalized, and there should be a space between "your" and "Family".

If you're not yet convinced that this e-mail came from a snot-nosed kid in his mom's basement, ask yourself this: Why would I entrust a company who can't produce basic English with my family's security?

Inside, there's more of the same gibberish. And if that doesn't seal the deal, does the source sound like a legitimate insurance company? Namely,

There's even more stupidity that gives the scam away, but I don't want to help the dumbasses too much by pointing out their idiocy. Give it up guys. You're better suited to asking "Want fries with that?" And you might also escape the fate of spending eternity in Hell.

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Monday 5 October 2009

Focus, people!

I have seen a lot of strange things in my time. And I have seen a lot of stupid people in my time. But what I witnessed today was one of the strangest and stupidest things I have ever seen a person do.

It has always irritated me when drivers are too ignorant, lazy, stupid, careless or in too much of a hurry to slow down and pull over when an emergency vehicle is blaring its siren for people to get out of the way. Virtually every time there is such an emergency, there are drivers who blatantly disregard the fact that their failure to give way could mean someone loses their life.

On this day, I was approaching the street (as a pedestrian) when I heard a nearby siren. I looked in the direction of the sound and watched an ambulance slowly cross against a red light. As it approached a second traffic light very near me, the light turned red. It stopped at the intersection with its siren blaring away, waiting to make sure the way was clear to proceed. Simultaneously, a teen-aged school girl stepped off the sidewalk perpendicular to the ambulance across the street. All cars and pedestrians had stopped and looked on at the scene unfolding.

The girl nonchalantly strolled across the street seemingly oblivious to the blaring siren and flashing lights of the ambulance stopped not 30 feet away. She did not stop and signal for the ambulance to pass. She did not quicken her pace so as not to delay the ambulance further. In fact, she did not even look up at the ambulance. What she did do, and I imagine it was because she felt all eyes were on her and she was feeling self conscious, was raise a hand to her hair and lightly brush it aside. It was so surreal that it seemed I was having a dream.

As she reached the opposite side and the ambulance finally started on its way again, I wanted to rush up to her and scream "WAKE UP, YOU MORON!"

Here's a visual aid of the scene:

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Dumber and dumberer

I spotted this ad on my screen one night. Apparently, the six years spent in university didn't do much for the person who composed this ad. Nor anyone else associated with it. It should read "smarter than", not "smarter then". Nothing like making a fool of oneself whilst explaining how stupid someone else is.

And while we're on this topic, I was flipping through my newly arrived CAA magazine yesterday, and I came across this page. Minutes after I spotted the "glaring" error, I thought to myself "My god, I am so anal". But I swear to you, I don't go looking for this stuff. It jumps right out at me like someone is shining a halogen spotlight on these errors. Click on it to enlarge. Do you see what I'm talking about?

If your spotlight isn't working, or more likely you have better things to do with your time, in the coupon on the right it says "From Feb 1st to April 30st, 2009." Technically, maybe legally, you could hold them to this offer indefinitely since April "30st" never arrives, hence the sale never ends. Oddly enough, the coupon on the left reads "From Feb 1 to April 30, 2009"