Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Faux News...or is it Fake News?

Fox News likes to proclaim themselves "fair and balanced", so imagine my surprise when I googled "republican party politics" and found "www.foxnews.com" was the third website listed. Imagine my grin when the next website down was "www.gopusa.com". Now, imagine my laughter when the next website turned out to be "www.republicans.org". When it comes to fair and balanced republican reporting, Fox News is clearly "on top".

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Monday, 15 February 2010

Q & A's from around the web

im nauseaious in the morning, boobs are kind of sore, back aches, headaches, butterflies in my stomach, and horrible headaches. could i be pregnant?

you might be pregnant but it might be in your head.

It's very unlikely you're pregnant in your head, unless of course...

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Tuesday, 9 February 2010