Monday, 1 October 2012

Truth in advertising?

The ad below appeared on my Facebook page recently. Take a good look at it. Unfortunately, the image is not very clear. It was a very small ad and so I doubled its size.

Regardless, does she look like a senior to you? Does she look like she needs the help of an online dating service to meet men? Lastly, maybe I'm just jaded, but does she strike you as a person who would be faithful? If she had any less clothing, she'd look like she were posing for Sports Illustrated. I'd be willing to bet dollars to doughnuts that this young lady does not have a profile on the advertised website.

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Friday, 28 September 2012

A couple of street signs in my neighbourhood. Obviously, made for each other, but sadly, will never meet.

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Thursday, 27 September 2012

Is marijuana a potential cure for cancer?

An extraordinary discovery may someday give the controversial notion of “medical marijuana” a potent new meaning. Turns out that the recreationally popular cannabis plant contains compounds that could stop and even reverse the growth of various aggressive forms of cancer.

After a series of lab tests using a non-psychoactive chemical extract called Cannabidiol to treat malignant human breast cells in mice, the researchers hope to develop a pill that can demonstrate efficacy in human clinical trials. "It took us about 20 years of research to figure this out, but we are very excited,” Desprez, told the Huffington Post.

20 years!? What the heck!? I can see them now, "hard at work"...

In case you’re wondering, it won’t leave the door open for those who want to inhale it.
“We used injections in the animal testing and are also testing pills,” Desprez said. “But you could never get enough Cannabidiol for it to be effective just from smoking.”

That's what you think...

Link to full story.

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