Friday, 1 March 2013

Is Capitalism dead?

Interesting opinions from a political expert/philosopher on current and future economic conditions with a focus on Capitalism.

I especially found statements near the end of the video assuring. Basically, the point was made that Scandinavian countries, while maintaining a high degree of social programs and a far more level income equality ratio among their citizens, they remain among the top countries in global economic competitiveness. In other words, the old argument that conservatives like to use for attacking all forms of  income re-distribution is a crock.

There is no reason why the wealth of a country cannot be more evenly shared while the nation remains vital in a global, competitive economy. You don't run out of "other people's money" because not everyone gets "on the dole" just because they can. People are just as anxious to invent, discover, and create jobs even if they won't earn the obscene amounts that their American counterparts do. I use the word "obscene" not because I begrudge anyone the fruits of their labour, but only because that wealth comes at the expense of large numbers of hard-working or even non-working folks who struggle for food and shelter every day.

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Thursday, 21 February 2013

Jodi Arias murder trial

Synopsis of first day of cross examination in Jodi Arias' murder trial:

Prosecutor: Was it black?
Arias: No.
Prosecutor: Then it was white?
Arias: I didn't say that.
Prosecutor: Well, which was it?
Arias: I can't remember when you yell at me.
Prosecutor: So, it's my fault when you can't remember something?
Arias: I didn't say that.
Arias: (Grins)

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Saturday, 9 February 2013

You knew it was coming...

Ladies, want to know how, ahem, big your date is? Now, there's an app for that. Developed by a Toronto doctor, and also filled with fun and interesting facts, this app will take inputs such as height and shoe size and give you an instant estimate of penis size.

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Friday, 8 February 2013

Various Cruelties

I'm not sure when it was that I heard this song for the first time, but I do know where. It was probably around Christmas 2012 when Zales started using a 30-second sound clip from it in one of their TV ads. It started to haunt me--I loved the retro sound and I wondered if, in fact, it was a song from the late 50's or early 60's. Today, I finally decided to do some research.

As it turns out, the song was written by a Brit, Liam O'Donnell, as a tribute to his late mama. The tune is a recent one by the group Various Cruelties, and has apparently struck a chord with a lot of people like myself who heard it courtesy of Zales.

I was furthered tickled by what the band looks like. I expected a single performer--perhaps a clean-cut, Michael Buble type, but instead, I found this image of the lads:

Here is that wonderful tune in its entirety for your listening pleasure...

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Lance Armstrong is fast as ever

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