Wednesday, 10 April 2013

The Jodi Arias saga continues

 Alyce LaViolette, expert witness for the defence on domestic violence in the Jody Arias murder trial conducting one of many of her acclaimed seminars entitled "Was Snow White a Battered Woman?".

Well, I found a copy of the story of Snow White and read it very carefully (twice) and even though I may not be an expert, it is my opinion that Snow White was not battered. I found not an iota of evidence to support that outlandish claim. I read nothing to suggest that she was battered, breaded or even lightly dusted with flour, let alone battered.

I apologize to true victims of abuse of either gender for making light of this subject. Many people seem to forget that the victim in this case was Travis Alexander and not Jodi Arias. There is not a shred of evidence that Mr. Alexander was ever physically violent toward Ms. Arias. However, it's been well established that not only was Jodi a vindictive, scheming, conniving, stalker, but also a compulsive liar.

And as for Ms. LaViolette, this woman sees abuse (and victims) everywhere she looks, especially of the male toward female variety. She is almost totally blind to the reverse situation, ignoring all evidence of such.

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Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Jodi Arias murder trial

Spousal abuse "expert", Alyce LaViolette has had about as much as she wants from Prosecutor Juan Martinez--gives him a lesson he won't soon forget.

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Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Virtual machines

They're still (re-)discovering the superiority of big systems and virtualization that we had back in the 60's with CP67. Latest incarnation is running VMs on IBM's RISC technology. It's like watching each new generation make "ooh" and "aah" sounds over 60's vintage vehicles at every car show. One can only dream of how much further advanced the whole world might be now if it hadn't abandoned far-superior mainframes and chased after that cheap harlot known as Unix.

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