Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Eve of Destruction

No destructive force on earth is more powerful than the strength and resilience of the American People. -President Donald J. Trump

He finally said something right. There is no frce more destructive than America. Ask the families of one million dead Iraqis. Ask the families of the countless targets of drone attacks, many of them innocent bystanders. Ask the EPA. Ask the climate...

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Thursday, 5 October 2017

Las Vegas mass murder

Anyone else find it amusing to watch how left and right scramble to paint the Las Vegas shooter as a member of the other side? It really doesn't matter which side he was on. folks, because one thing we know for sure, is that he was mental as anything. And trust me--there's just as many lefty mentally ill as there are righty mentally ill. This is one argument whose point is definitely moot. Which brings us full circle.

The larger, and more important issue is why this mass murder problem is so prevalent in America, like nowhere else. If Second amendment proponents are right (correct), that it has little to nothing to do with firearm availability, then one must concede that there is something in American culture that nurtures conditions for these occurrences (more so than other countries). Your exercise for today, is to think of the ways that American culture is most different from other cultures. In these personal inquiries, hopefully, you'll find some answers. I encourage you to share your thoughts after this exercise with any non-American friends for maximum value. Oftentimes, people on the outside looking in have a different perspective.

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Sunday, 10 September 2017

The Game

Big Red’s reputation had preceded him when he shuffled up to my table. “Rack ‘em”, he grunted.
I made a very bad break, leaving two reds completely exposed. He potted the first, and paired it with the black while eloquently breaking out a couple more reds. Another black, another cherry, but this time, he left himself in a precarious position., only able to see part of the pink, and no other colours. My hopes were dashed as he managed to ease the ball into the unforgiving side pocket.
On he went, making ball after ball, as I sat biting my lip so hard it almost bled. I was running out of time, and points on the table, to mount any kind of a comeback. He was up to 67, making my goose egg look pretty stark. I quickly counted up the reds, did a little math, and realized there are just enough possible points left to beat him, if he misses the next shot.
Red had left himself a shot that wasn’t difficult, but wasn’t a gimme, either. The cherry rolled toward the pocket, brushed both sides, but seeming to sense danger inside, stayed out. As I got up for my turn, I glanced toward him, and he looked fairly confident and pleased with himself. No doubt, he knew I would need to make each of the last six reds with a black, plus all the colours, to eke out a win.
Rather than pot the ball hanging at the corner pocket, I decided to shoot a combo that would leave my next red near that same, corner pocket. Okay, two blacks down and four to go. The next cherry could be a problem. Leaving the cue ball a little short or a little long would render me snookered. This was a deciding moment. In my nervousness, I left the shooter well short of where I wanted it, but luckily, there was yet another “hole” through which to see the cherry.
So, now I’m shooting the black before the last cherry, and I need to put a lot of side spin to gain position for the next shot. I shoot a bit too hard and the cue ball ends up kissing the red, but averts disaster. I end up making the cherry in the opposite corner pocket I had planned. I glance over at Big Red, and the colour is starting to leave his face, as he twitches nervously.
The colours were pretty much on their spots, so barring a miscue, they should pose no headaches. I make the yellow, green, brown, and blue. I check the score, and it’s 67-62 for him. I need the pink and the black to win. The pink is in an easy spot, but I have to be careful in trying to gain decent position for the black. If I strike it too lightly, I’ll leave myself a difficult shot on the black. If I shoot too hard, I may sewer the cue ball.
I look at the shot from two angles while I chalk up my cue. I get in position, shoot and make the shot, leaving myself what should be an easy shot. Of course, in a high pressure game like this, the easiest shot can be missed, often by miscue. Bloop.

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Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Trump's "virtues"

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Another wrench in the works

Remember the guy who shot up the Black church?

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Being Canadian means always saying "Sorry"

I was at the supermarket checkout line and the person before me was a middle-aged woman with a slight German accent. After attempting to put through a card payment that failed, the cashier, a young man, turned to her and asked "Is that debit or credit?" She answered "Debit". He said "I pushed the wrong button". She said "Sorry". A grin appeared on my face as I thought to myself "You haven't been here long, but you're already Canadian".

I once apologized when a woman stepped on my foot...because, you know, I slipped it under hers at the last moment.

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