Monday 21 July 2008

First Gitmo war-crimes trial under way

First, U.S. President George Bush changed the definition of "war" by declaring it on an enemy he can't define by nationality. Next, he invaded a country that had nothing to do with "his war on terror". Then he changed the rules by which war is fought by detaining "enemy combatants" longer than prescribed by law without access to legal counsel. This trial is starting six and a half years after Gitmo opened for business. He wasn't finished yet, though. He also promoted and abetted the use of torture not only in Iraq but by shipping "prisoners" to countries known to use torture routinely so that he can pull a Bart Simpson and claim "I didn't do it".

It begs the question: Why bother now going through the motions of a trial? Why not go one step further and just execute anyone and everyone Bush and his cronies please? The Americans are the most powerful military and economic force in the world, their problems going forward notwithstanding. Their ability to stage coups and grant or withhold aid also makes them the most powerful influence in world politics. How can anyone oppose them (at least at the moment)?

I believe the day of reckoning is fast approaching. As American economic power erodes, so too does its military and coercive powers. As developing nations begin to achieve their economic due and America's deeds and modus operandi are more clearly seen and understood, she will become ostracized and alienated. No longer will the fear of American retaliation (military or economic) or fear of the effect of a great American economic slowdown, rule the minds and actions of the nations of the world.

We are living in very interesting times, indeed. A new world order is emerging, however, it will not be the one George Bush envisioned--either Bush.

News Story

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